Studiengesellschaft für Eisenerzaufbereitung (SGA) is a service centre for the process development of iron ore beneficiation, pelletizing, sintering as well as metallurgical testing of iron ore feedstock for blast furnace, direct reduction and steelmaking. Established in 1922, SGA is recognized world-wide for its facilities, expertise and know-how. SGA is a joint venture of the German Steel Industry.
SGA is equipped with experimental facilities for both laboratory and pilot scale development and testwork for the beneficiation of a variety of ores and particularly iron ores. read more >
SGA has an automated pot-grate unit for pelletizing and sintering process simulation. 50 to 150 kg of blast furnace pellets, direct reduction pellets or sinter are produced for each test series.
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SGA is fully equipped for performing tests in accordance with ISO standards. The tests include characterization of physical and metallurgical properties of lump ores, pellets and sinter for blast furnace and direct reduction processes. In addition SGA has a test unit for the evaluation of softening and melting characteristics of blast furnace burden. read more >
SGA operates a chemical laboratory which is equipped with an ICP unit capable of analyzing the majority of elements in concentrations from 0.001 to 100 %. read more >
SGA tests the mechanical strength as well as the reactivity and strength after reaction of blast furnace coke.
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In order to support the overall studies, mineralogical evaluation is performed on all kind of intermediate and final products such as crude ores, (pre-)concentrates, pellets or sinter. With SGA’s microscope equipment, which allows also the taking of pictures, the success of liberation grinding, separation steps etc. can be quickly evaluated. Full mineralogical surveys on polished sections are carried out in collaboration with the Technical University of Clausthal, Germany.
SGA is a member in various technical and scientific committees of national and international associations related to iron- and steelmaking. SGA is an active participative member in the International Organization for Standardization - ISO and it presently holds chairmanship for ISO/TC 102/SC3 committee. SGA operates a quality management system and is fully equipped to carry out a wide range of laboratory and pilot scale tests.